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New academic year, new you.

Writer: Jade ThomasJade Thomas

Updated: Feb 8, 2024

I don't know about you but I always feel so motivated to make small, important life changes around September/ beginning of the academic year, if not more so than I do in the new year. I think this stems from the feeling of fresh starts when I would return to school after the summer holidays and for me summer gives me a refreshing feeling and sets me up for the season to change as autumn (fall for any American readers) is just around the corner.

I wanted to put together a blog post of some of the things I do to get ready for the season to change and new academic year to begin. These things range from self care to organising my life so if you too wish to go into the new season feeling refreshed and recharged here are my top tips...

1. Clean and organise my room.

There is nothing better than having a good clear out and putting those summer clothes away and getting some more autumnal clothes out ready for the new season. I also like to give my room a head to toe clean so when I return to work and uni after my summer holidays my sanctuary feels fresh and organised.

2. Organise my laptop folders.

This one might seem like a strange one but it was a habit I got into during my undergraduate degree where I move all my university folders for the previous year into one folder and put them onto a memory stick/hard-drive. This is a small task I'm usually too busy to find the time to do during the academic year and it stops my laptop storage getting full of documents I no longer need.

3. Prep reading.

This one is a bit of a boring one but important nonetheless. I do some prep reading for the academic year ahead, sometimes university may assign prep reading but if not I try to find something to read to get my head around the topics I'm set to be studying in the next semester. This is one thing I wasn't great at during my undergraduate but one I'm making a priority during my postgraduate and I wish I had made this a priority during my undergraduate.

4. Retail Therapy.

Now, I don't need any excuse to do some online shopping but I think before the new season you may want to treat yourself to some new autumn/fall pieces and you may want to make sure you have all your essentials for returning to school/ uni or work. An autumnal candle never goes a miss either!

Also make sure to check out Psychology and the City Shop for all Psychology related essentials for back to work and uni.

5. Self-Care evenings / Spa days.

Before my life becomes hectic again as I return to university and work I like to take the time to rest, relax and have some self care time. Bubble baths, long showers, face masks, candles, waffle robes and fresh bedding is a perfect way to relax.

6. Set my goals for the rest of the year.

I always think September is a good time to review the goals or resolutions you set yourself back in January, as you may have forgotten what goals you set and its not too late to achieve them if you haven't already. I like to spend some time reviewing my goals to see what I would like to achieve and focus on for the rest of the year. This is a real motivator for me and stops any 'back to work/uni' dread I may have and puts me in a motivated, positive working mindset.

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